
Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels (Paleizenstraat 70 at 1030 Schaarbeek) in the interior design rooms (rooms A-1.01 and A-2.02)

Research Information Day

Opencampus- of infodag

Dear researchers,

We are happy to invite you to the information day on research at KU Leuven - LUCA School of Arts. This will take place on Thursday 20 October from 1 pm to 4 pm on Campus Sint-Lukas Brussels (Paleizenstraat 70 at 1030 Schaarbeek) in the interior design rooms (rooms A-1.01 and A-2.02). Specific sessions are planned for PhD researchers, post-doc and senior researchers. In the session for PhD researchers, the different steps in the doctoral program are explained and there is a vote for the representative of the PhD researchers in the doctoral committee. In the sessions for post-doc and senior researchers, Daniëlle De Vooght introduces the Research Support Team of the Human Sciences Group and gives an insight into Cluster 2 of Horizon Europe.

This is the programme:

  • 12.45 - 13.00 Coffee
  • 13.00 - 13.10 Introduction by Veerle Van der Sluys, vice-dean for research (room A-1.01)
  • 13.10 - 14.00 Research units and their activities in 22-23 (room A-1.01)

Presentations by the heads of the research units: Tom Van Imschoot (Image), Katrien Foubert (Music & Drama), Steven Devleminck (Intermedia) and Niels Hendriks (Inter-Actions)

Parallel sessions

  • 14.00 - 14.35 PhD in the Arts; from application to defense (PhD researchers/(supervisors), room A-1.01) 
  • 14.00 - 14.35 D. De Vooght : Research Support Team at KU Leuven (post-doc and senior researchers, room A-1.02)


Parallel sessions

  • 14.50 - 15.30 Vote for representation in the PhD committee, doctoral mobility (PhD researchers, room A-1.01)
  • 14.50 - 15.30 D. De Vooght : Horizon Europe - Cluster 2 (post-doc and senior researchers, room A-1.02)
  • 15.30 - 16.00 doctoral and post-doctoral financing (room A-1.01)

You can register by bying a free ticket on this page: Research Information Day | Luca school of arts (luca-artoffice.be).

See you then!

Research and Project Office