Online session

Talk it out: Exam Stress (online session)

Workshop of training

Studying abroad can be overwhelming. Integrating into a new culture and city, connecting to other students, starting new courses,… 

These topics can be a source of anxiety.

That’s why the students of UGent have taken the initiative to organize sessions for English-speaking and international students. We aim to bring students together and create mutual understanding and recognition. In these sessions, we discuss diverse themes and topics that you can relate to within a safe place.

We've all been stressed to take an exam before, it's almost an unavoidable part of being a student. No matter how good they've prepared, no matter how long they've studied, some students find this particularly hard to deal with. We want to hear your thoughts, how do you handle exam stress?

Register here. 

This workshop is organised by 'Student in Warm Ghent', a collaboration between all higher education institutes of Ghent, City of Ghent, Logo Gezond+ and Fonds GaVoorGeluk.