
Museum of Natural History and Sciences in Lisbon

The panorama of Congo


Unrolling the Past in Virtual Reality

The exhibition opened at the Museum of Natural History and Sciences in Lisbon on 25 February. The exhibition is the result of the FILM EU RIT pilot project 'Congo VR', led by Leen Engelen (LUCA) and Victor Flores (Lusofona University). LUCA resesarchers involved in this project are Tomas Vandecasteele, Wim Forceville, Jon Stam, Veronika Romhány, Julian Garcia Long and Lennert Deprettere.

Teaser for VR experience 'Panoptical Dissidence'



  • Deogracias Kihalu, Hadassa Ngamba, Castélie Yalombo, Congo Astronauts(Eléonor Hellio & Michel Akeba) and Lukah Katangila.


  • FILMEU RIT _ Research Project - Decolonizing the Panorama of Congo
  • Luca School Of Arts

Development team VR(random order)

  • Diana Levay(VR gamedesign)
  • Joao Dias(VR gamedesign)
  • Joana Fernandes(3D artist)
  • Rita Carvalho(artistic research & graphic design)