Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel
We would like to invite you to be part of FilmEU’s International Cineclub organized by the partner universities of the European University FilmEU.
Cineclub is a recurring film (film – animation film) evening for students, staff and film enthusiasts. In addition to watching films, you also get the chance to talk to guest speakers (directors, ...). The films will be linked to the host country and will be selected based on a predetermined theme.
All students & staff from LUCA School of Arts are welcome! This edition we organise together with Jester is open to the general public.
Free film screenings followed by Q&A, both in English.
March 16, 2021: screening of
February 16, 2021: screening of five short animated movies + Q&A Directors:
November 10, 2021: screening of
October 20, 2021: screening of