
LUCA School of Arts - Campus Sint-Lucas, Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Gent

Doctoral defense Naomi Bueno de Mesquita


Naomi Bueno de Mesquita (research unit Inter-Actions) will present her doctoral research in the Arts:

“Digital Performative Mapping”

The supervisory committee of the doctoral research consisted of supervisor dr. Veerle Van der Sluys (vice-dean research of the Associated Faculty of the Arts / LUCA School of Arts), co-supervisor dr. David Hamers (PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), dr. ir. Bieke Cattoor (Delft University of Technology) and dr. Chris Perkins (The University of Edinburgh).

The members of the examination committee are:

The public doctoral defense will take place on Thursday March 10 at 14h00 at LUCA School of Arts - Campus Sint-Lucas, Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Gent. If you would like to attend the doctoral defense please buy a free ticket here before March 7.