
Middelheim, Antwerpen

Rooted Encounters

Talks, lezingen en congressen

Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings

Ecologies of Artistic Research

Symposium and Fieldguides Gathering


Deep Histories Fragile Memories research group organizes a symposium on pluralist entanglements of artistic thinking with other research ecologies and considers art’s potential for making a stand within current challenges. Thinking along with philosophies of plant biology, with feminist critiques of biotechnology, colonialism, and science, with histories of plants out of place, with bark beetles and bitter roots, we explore the collaborative possibilities of ambulatory libraries, storytelling-as-method, and ecologies of listening.


Kate Briggs, Paco Calvo, Alexandra Crouwers, Lukas De Clerck, Sepideh Karami, Laurens Dhaenens, Wendy Morris, Nele Möller, Rachel O’Donnell, Renée Turner, Catalina Valdez, Els Viaene


Symposium / Rooted Encounters

  • Nov 8, 2022 / Luca School of Arts, Brussels


09h reception/coffee
09h15 – 10h Alexandra Crouwers
10h – 10h45 Sepideh Karami
11h15 -12h Kate Briggs
12h – 12h45 Renée Turner

13h - 14h Lunch


14h – 15h Paco Calvo / Planta Sapiens: how to bridge the gap between plant science and the arts
15h – 16h Rachel O’Donnell / The Politics of Natural Knowing: Plant-Based Contraceptives in Highland Guatemala
16h30 – 17h30 Catalina Valdez / Perspectives on and from the third landscape

Gathering / Ambulatory Libraries

  • Nov 9, 2022 / Braem Pavilion, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp

10h reception/coffee

10h15 -12h45
Fieldguides for a Preternaturalist. Wendy Morris
Windmaker. Lukas De Clerck and the aulos
Apacina. A Contemporary Herbal and Ambiguous Tale. Polyvocal Reading of Fieldguide #2. Rachel O’Donnell, Orlando Preternaturalist and Fifteen Voices.

13 – 14h Lunch

14h – 15h
Hysteries: Plant of the Damned. Walk
15h – 17h
Whispers of Wind. Ecologies of listening with Els Viaene and Nele Möller.


Symposium / Rooted Encounters

  • Nov 8, 2022
  • Luca School of Arts, Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussels

Gathering / Ambulatory Libraries

  • Nov 9, 2022
  • Braem Pavilion, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp

